AKMG {Association of Kerala Medical Graduates} has been the premier and pioneer Alumni Organization in North America {USA and Canada} for Medical and Dental specialists of Kerala origin, since its inception in 1979-80, thereby setting the precedent for an organization of healthcare professionals of any ethnic or international origin in North America. There are several medical/dental professional organizations in North America which have come in to existence and prospered after emulating the AKMG model, including AAPI {American Association of Physicians from India}, TANA etc.
Kerala origin medical professionals began arriving in the US since the 1950's. This was a break in tradition, as the United Kingdom was the only destination that the medical graduates from the Indian subcontinent preferred even as of the 1950's.
AKMG was conceived in the great minds of a handful of pioneers who crossed the oceans, fought adversities including cultural and racial barriers and had the vision in 1979-80 to found our proud organization. Originally named "Alumni Association of Kerala Medical Colleges in North America" during the first General Body meeting on May 24, 1980 held at Bombay Palace in New York, the current name "Association of Kerala Medical Graduates " was adopted in 1984.
Since the 1980's, AKMG has held annual conventions throughout the US and Canada, at times beyond the main land {Hawaai, Puerto Rico and Alaska}. AKMG annual conventions have achieved legendary status as events including camaraderie, educational and socio-cultural events as well as humanitarian endeavors. These conventions have become obligatory annual pilgrimages for many die-hard AKMG loyalists.
Since the humble origins of AKMG in the 1980's in the US, this proud organization has spread its wings globally. AKMG has been heavily involved in educational and humanitarian efforts locally and globally. Counting from the LRCs {Learning Resource Centers} in various Kerala based Medical Colleges, to all the CME activities in AKMG Conventions as well as presentations by AKMG members in CME activities in UK, UAE and India bear testimony in this regard. Humanitarian efforts have funded those in need in North America and Kerala.
Over the past 15-20 years, AKMG has reached out and inspired the inception of as well as collaboration with various medical/dental/ professional/alumni organizations. These include AKMG-Emirates, ATMG {Association of Trivandrum Medical Graduates-UK}, MMA {Malayali Medical Association-UK}, TMCAA {Trivandrum Medical College Alumni Association-Kerala}, to name a few. There will be further expansion of these collaborative relationships as the world shrinks further thanks to technology.
As with any organization, the strength lies in numbers--i.e.., the number of members and also the leadership. The current AKMG leadership and senior leaders over the past few years have strived hard to bring in the young and dynamic members to participate in AKMG activities and leadership. This is an ongoing effort fraught with enough challenges. Yet AKMG is confident about its future, even as it tries not to rest on its laurels, though very proud of the achievements and growth over the past 4 decades.